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At Picture Perfect we offer a variety of services that will keep your property it's best at all time.  In order to achieve maximum potential, we sometimes need to give our landscape a little extra attention.  Below you will find an assortment of services that will allow your property realize it's full potential.

        4 Season Property Care

The Four Season Property Care is our maintenance program we use to preserve the beauty of your landscape.  You will find our maintenance program will take care of all your basic landscaping needs as the weather and seasons change.

        For more information on our 4 Season Property Care, click here 

Landscape Design

At Picture Perfect Land Services we believe in creating breathtaking landscapes that will stand the test of time and form their own identity.  We offer computerized imaging so you can see a before and after of what your property can potentially look like.

     For more information on our  Landscape Design, click here


    Additional Services

     Low Voltage Landscape Lighting
Landscape Lighting is breathtaking in beauty and provides a secure and inviting environment.
                Why let a beautiful landscape be seen only during the day?
                Applied to planting & flower beds to give an aesthetically pleasing look to your property. 
                Mulching can help retain moisture, nutrients and keep root systems cooling during drought conditions,
                therefore preserving planting material.
    Fertilization & Weed Control
                Lawn & Shrubs need an adequate and healthy balance of nutrients to establish optimal performance and
                look.  Regular fertilization and properly scheduled treatment applications ensure premium results.
                Applications of  control products will be done  by a licensed and trained applicator of  pesticide.  
                All applications will be completed following standards set forth by the NYSDEC. 

     Seasonal Flowers & Pots
Design, Install and Maintain flower pots.  Arrange pots to achieve the best look possible around property.
                A simple flower pot on a property can achieve great results at minimum cost. 
Holiday Display & Setups
                Design, Install and remove decorations and lighting for the season.  Enjoy the holidays with a festive
                display of lights and decorations throughout your property.  Let us take some of the aggravation out of the
    Extra Services Offered
Water Feature Installation &  Maintenance                                                                                                                  Tree Pruning

Vegetable Garden Installations &  Maintenance                                                                                                                   Topsoil

Power Washing                                                                                                                                                                                 Firewood

Driveway Sealing                                                                                                                                                                   Lawn Aeration

Lawn Overseeding                                                                                                                                                           Lawn Renovation


Breathtaking Landscapes by Picture Perfect - Designed, Created, and Managed

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